Thank you Dr Awais for your compliments I definately will dig into the monitors but I bet they compute the Systolic Blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure and they calculate the MAP using mean aterial pressure formula we all know about.. In normal condition, the systole phase takes about half the time the diastole takes.. Not hard to do at all programmatically using a softwareExcellent explanation, will use it to explain this phenomenon to my class.. To test if this is true, we can multiply systolic BP by 1/3 and diastolic BP by 2/3 and add the results together to come up with the mean arterial pressure.. Let’s say a patient BP = 120/60 Pulse pressure (SBP-DBP) would be 120-60 = 60. Beste Audio-Schnittstelle für mac best audio interface for mac

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Thank you Dr Awais for your compliments I definately will dig into the monitors but I bet they compute the Systolic Blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure and they calculate the MAP using mean aterial pressure formula we all know about.. In normal condition, the systole phase takes about half the time the diastole takes.. Not hard to do at all programmatically using a softwareExcellent explanation, will use it to explain this phenomenon to my class.. To test if this is true, we can multiply systolic BP by 1/3 and diastolic BP by 2/3 and add the results together to come up with the mean arterial pressure.. Let’s say a patient BP = 120/60 Pulse pressure (SBP-DBP) would be 120-60 = 60. 0041d406d9 Beste Audio-Schnittstelle für mac best audio interface for mac

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